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CDC Tobacco use causes cancer throughout the body
According to the CDC, Tobacco use causes at least 12 different types of cancer. Link: CDC Website "How to Quit Smoking"

May 31st is World No Tobacco Day recognized by the World Health Organization. This campaign is aimed to identify and debunk marketing tactics commonly used in tobacco related industry. The theme for 2020 is #TobaccoExposed, providing useful information to younger populations to defend themselves against using these harmful products. 

The WHO is urging influencers- social media, pop culture, in the home, or in the classroom – to come together and expose the dangerous effects of tobacco use and deceitful marketing tactics in order to become a tobacco-free generation. 

End the Mental Health Stigma

Given the current climate of social distancing, it is important now more than ever to speak about mental health. There is a negative stigma that still exists today, which could make it difficult for those struggling to find help. May is National Mental Health Awareness Month sponsored by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), this year 

Mental health disorders include a variety of symptoms which affect a person’s mood, thinking, feeling, and, in some cases, severe enough to affect their ability to participate in activities or daily life.  Some of the most common symptoms include anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and much more serious illnesses. Many people experience anxiety or depression in their lifetime that lasts a brief period, but then often brought upon by some traumatic event such as death, divorce, job loss, or other life change.  In other cases, people suffering from mental health issues have a life-long battle with these disorders. 

What is important to know is YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  Even though the stigma for seeking help still exists, there are resources available for help, some even anonymous.  Below, you can find links to education materials to provide support to families dealing with mental illness. Mental health counselors are available in-person and by tele-health communication, making visits easier to access.

If you are looking for help, consider talking with your primary care physician who can guide you to resources that will work best for you.  If you prefer, you can reach out to the resources below where you can chat online, schedule a tele-health visit, or talk to a specialist in person.

  • If you or someone you know is in an emergency, call 911 immediately.
  • If you are in crisis or are experiencing difficult or suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273 TALK (8255).
  • You can also text NAMI to 741-741 to be connected to a free, trained crisis counselor on the Crisis Text Line.

With Respect, Honor, and Gratitude...

As we celebrate this Memorial Day, we want to remember those who have fallen and to honor those who have given us the freedom we enjoy each day. From the Grane Hospice team, thanks to all Veterans and those who have served for our country. We salute you!

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