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What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care is an affirmation of life that focuses on comfort, pain-free care when a loved one is faced with a terminal illness. Meet the Grane Hospice team and see what services are available to you and your family.

Convenient Locations

Grane Hospice cares about all of our local communities, dedicated to serve the best care possible with professionals you can trust. Find a Grane Hospice location near you.

Find Comfort in Grane Hospice

Our team-oriented approach to hospice care includes medical, social, emotional and spiritual support to guide you and your family through this difficult time. An experienced care team will tailor and deliver a individually-focused care plan to meet your needs and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

See some frequently asked questions and answers or learn more by clicking the “Read All FAQs” button below.


Here is what some of our families are saying about our services.

Celebrating life. Offering hope.

Brightspring Hospice Foundation

The BrightSpring Hospice Foundation provides hospice patients and their families with essential non-hospice support for which they are unable to otherwise afford.

The foundation supports patients and families with their hospice journey. While the foundation does not provide health care services to patients, it does provide financial support to families in need of non-health care-related assistance.

We find comfort in knowing that all individuals can receive assistance beyond personalized and uplifting hospice care.

If you would like to know more about the Foundation or contribute financially to our cause, kindly check out the links provided below.

Latest Blog Updates

Keep informed with the latest information about Grane Hospice Care and meet our staff.

Build a Careopolis for Your Loved One

Grane Home Health and Hospice has partnered with Careflash to offer our patients and their caregivers this platform for connecting with family and friends while on their care journey.

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