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Grane Hospice Care Blog

COVID-19 Notice

At Grane Hospice, the health and well-being of our patients, families, and communities is our top priority. We understand the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) and we are committed to being responsive during this episode.

Monitor and Recognize Symptoms of COVID-19

Symptoms may appear within 14 days of probable exposure.

    • The elder population and individuals with underlying diseases such as COPD, Diabetes, or congestive heart failure (CHF) are at higher risk.


    • Factors that may help guide decisions on whether to test include:


        • Any persons, including healthcare workers, who have had close contact with a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patient within 14 days of symptom onset
        • A history of travel from affected geographic areas (see resource below) within 14 days of symptom onset
        • May be asymptomatic (no symptoms)

How can I protect myself?

Below are some precautions you should take in order to minimize exposure:

Basic approach is the best and is the most critical.

Hand washing– Proper hand washing is one of the best preventive measures to fight the spread of infections.  This can be performed using alcohol-based hand rub or wash with soap and water.  If using soap and water, remember to wash hand for 20 seconds. Reduce splashing of water.

Respiratory Hygiene– remember to use cough etiquette.  Cover your mouth and nose if coughing. Cough or sneeze into your elbow.  Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.  Only use mask if it is determined medically necessary and feasible.

Clean hard surfaces with alcohol-based cleaners frequently. Wipe down common areas and equipment such as desk, computers, light switches, cell phones, rails, and door knobs.

Do you have signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as fever, cough, and sore throat? Self-quarantine yourself. Don’t visit your loved one if you are feeling ill.

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